How can I set VM options in a Java Netbeans Platform Modular Project?

I was finally able to solve this based on information at

What I did was modify the file, as JB said, but the correct way to do it was to add a -J before the args. E.g.,

run.args.extra=-J-Xms256m -J-Xmx756m

That did it! Not sure why it took 3 months to figure that out. Definitely a fail for the Netbeans documentation. They should really make this editable from the properties menu instead of making users hunt through nondescript config files!

It is quite easy, in fact. Just modify file to include the following line:



Of course, you can include any other JVM options there.


I thought i'll put some contribution on this topic, When I was developing a netbeans platform application i also faced the same problem, I added run.args.extra=-J-Xmx768m and updated my file but it didn't ! But when i added run.args.extra=-J-Xmx768m in my file then it worked, again this only works when i was in development environment. When I packeged the application for windows the problem remained same my min heap size was 24m and max is 64m. Then I found out that if I update and add default_options="--branding my_project -J-Xms64m -J-Xmx1G" in my_project.conf in my installed directory C:\Program Files\my_project\etc then run my application and checked the ide log i can now see the change. By the way i wasn't lucky enough to see even the run node when i right click and go to the project properties dialogue in netbeans 7.0.1. Its upto netbeans dream team to make us feel lucky.