How can I show 404 error page instead of routing error?
in ApplicationController
rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, :with => :rescue404
rescue_from ActionController::RoutingError, :with => :rescue404
def rescue404
#your custom method for errors, you can render anything you want there
This return 404 page
In ApplicationController
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, with: :route_not_found
rescue_from ActionController::RoutingError, with: :route_not_found
rescue_from ActionController::UnknownFormat, with: :route_not_found
def route_not_found
render file: Rails.public_path.join('404.html'), status: :not_found, layout: false
If you cannot easily run production mode locally, set the consider_all_requests_local
to false in your config/environments/development.rb
This is already the default behavior in production. In development environment routing errors are displayed to let the developer notice them and fix them.
If you want to try it, start the server in production mode and check it.
$ script/rails s -e production