How can I show the name of branches in `git log`?

Try the decorate option.

git log --graph --all --decorate

It annotates commits which are pointed to by tags or branches.

I was looking for something similar to this - but wanted to know what branch a change was made. Hopefully this answer will be of use to others also.

I'm investigating a risk with blackbox encryption, where a repo and it's branches/tags may become unavailable to current admins when enough users leave a project and the keyrings directory has not been religiously based off of master)

I found that the answer below was helpful where the keyrings directory was not updated from master...

Basically adding --source was what I needed to show the branches/tags. Adding --name-only will also show which file was actually changed.

cd /path/to/repo-that-uses-blackbox-encryption
git log --graph --all --decorate --source --name-only keyrings

Another useful answer: How to show git log with branch name

