How can I specify default values for method parameters in c#7 tuples?

You can specify a default as long as you are happy with default-initialisation of the int components to zero:

public static (int x, int y) AddTuples(
    (int x, int y) a = default((int, int)), 
    (int x, int y) b = default((int, int)))
    return (a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y);

Unfortunately you can't provide specific default values for the tuple's components.

However, for your specific example (where you want to default to (0, 0)) this seems sufficient.


Another approach to this specific example is to use a params array:

public static (int x, int y) AddTuples(params (int x, int y)[] tuples)
    return (tuples.Sum(t => t.x), tuples.Sum(t => t.y));

And then you can do:

Console.WriteLine($"Result is: {AddTuples()}");                       // (0, 0)
Console.WriteLine($"Result is: {AddTuples((1, 1))}");                 // (1, 1)
Console.WriteLine($"Result is: {AddTuples((1, 1), (2, 2))}");         // (3, 3)
Console.WriteLine($"Result is: {AddTuples((1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3))}"); // (6, 6)

a and b are not constants. Everything that creates a new instance (whether it is a struct or a class) is not considered a constant, and method signatures only allow constants as default values.

That said, there is no way to default tuples from the method signature, you have to create a separate method.

The only way out seems to be using nullable arguments:

(int x, int y) AddTuples2((int x, int y)? a = null, (int x, int y)? b = null)
    (int x, int y) aNN = a ?? (0,0);
    (int x, int y) bNN = b ?? (0,0);
    return (aNN.x + bNN.x, aNN.y + bNN.y);