How can I store an arraylist of custom objects?

I use a class in a Weather app I'm developing...

public class RegionList extends ArrayList<Region> {} // Region implements Serializeable

To save I use code like this...

FileOutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream(Weather.WeatherDir + "/RegionList.dat");
ObjectOutputStream objectOutStream = new ObjectOutputStream(outStream);
objectOutStream.writeInt(uk_weather_regions.size()); // Save size first
for(Region r:uk_weather_regions)

NOTE: Before I write the Region objects, I write an int to save the 'size' of the list.

When I read back I do this...

FileInputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(f);
ObjectInputStream objectInStream = new ObjectInputStream(inStream);
int count = objectInStream.readInt(); // Get the number of regions
RegionList rl = new RegionList();
for (int c=0; c < count; c++)
    rl.add((Region) objectInStream.readObject());

You're in luck, all of your class' members are already serialzble so your first step is to say that Lecture is Serializable.

public class Lecture implements Serializable {

    public String title;
    public String startTime;
    public String endTime;
    public String day;
    public boolean classEnabled;

    public Lecture(String title, String startTime, String endTime, String day, boolean enable){
        this.title = title;
        this.startTime = startTime;
        this.endTime = endTime; = day;
        this.classEnabled = enable;

Next, you need to make a default constructor since serialization seems to require that. The last thing is you need to write your object out to a file. I usually use something like the following. Note this is for saving a game state so you might not want to use the cache directory.

private void saveState() {
    final File cache_dir = this.getCacheDir(); 
    final File suspend_f = new File(cache_dir.getAbsoluteFile() + File.separator + SUSPEND_FILE);

    FileOutputStream   fos  = null;
    ObjectOutputStream oos  = null;
    boolean            keep = true;

    try {
        fos = new FileOutputStream(suspend_f);
        oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);

    catch (Exception e) {
        keep = false;
        Log.e("MyAppName", "failed to suspend", e);
    finally {
        try {
            if (oos != null)   oos.close();
            if (fos != null)   fos.close();
            if (keep == false) suspend_f.delete();
        catch (Exception e) { /* do nothing */ }

Reading the data back is pretty symmetric to the write so I have left that out for this answer. Also, there are still a lot of caveats to Serialized objects so I suggest you do some Google searches and read up on Java serialization in general.


