How can I trigger a notification when a job/process ends?

Generally, if you know this before running the command, you can just start it with:

command; command-after &

This will execute the command-after after the previous command has exited (regardless of its exit code). The & will start it in background.

If you care about a successful or failure exit, respectively use:

command && command-after-only-if-success &
command || command-after-only-if-fail &

If the command has already started you may use job control to suspend it, then return it to the foreground with fg chained with your notification:

# enter Ctrl-z
fg ; command-after

Now … what you want to do after this depends on your environment.

  • On any system, you can "ring" the terminal bell. Depends on your exact system what really works (BSD vs. GNU Linux, etc.), but tput bel should do. I couldn't reliably test it right now, though. Search for "ring bell" to find out more.

  • On Mac OS X, you could use AppleScript to pop up a Finder dialog:

    osascript -e 'tell Application "Finder" to display dialog "Job finished" '

    You could have it say something to you:

    say "Job finished"

    Or you could use Mountain Lion's notification system:

    sudo gem install terminal-notifier # <= only need to do this once
    terminal-notifier -message "Job finished!" -title "Info"
  • In GNOME, zenity can show a GTK dialog box, called from the command line. See also this Stack Overflow question: showing a message box from a bash script in linux. It can be installed through your favorite package manager.

    zenity --info --text="Job finished"
  • Some distributions might have xmessage. Specifically for GTK environments, there is gxmessage.

  • On desktop enviroments that implement the Desktop Notifications Specification, such as Ubuntu and GNOME, there's a notification system that you can trigger with notify-send (part of libnotify).

    notify-send "Job finished!"
  • KDE uses kdialog, for example:

    kdialog --passivepopup 'Job finished'

On unix-like systems you can ring the audible-bell:

echo -e "\a"

I created a simple tool, for MacOS X, that does exactly this.


$ npm install -g brb


$ sleep 3; brb