How can I use fdisk to create a ntfs partition on /dev/sdx?

  1. create a partition using fdisk

    fdisk /dev/sdx


    • to create the partition: n, p, [enter], [enter]
    • to give a type to the partition: t, 7 (don't select 86 or 87, those are for volume sets)
    • if you want to make it bootable: a
    • to see the changes: p
    • to write the changes: w
  2. create a ntfs fileystem on /dev/sdx1:

    mkfs.ntfs -f /dev/sdx1

    (the -f argument makes the command run fast, skipping both the bad block check and the zeroing of the storage)

  3. mount it wherever you want

    mount /dev/sdx1 /mnt/myNtfsDevice

You can use fdisk to create the partition "disk" division but for the partition's file system you can use the mkfs.ntfs to create the file system in the partition that will use ...