How can I use my laptop as a 2nd monitor?

I would (and have) do this workflow in running apps on the secondary laptop "monitor".

  1. Install and configure laptop as a Synergy client.
  2. Start up Synergy and make sure you can control the laptop from the primary workstation.
  3. Make sure SSHD is running on the local workstation with X11 forwarding enabled.
  4. SSH from the 2nd laptop with X11 forwarding.
  5. Start the (GUI) program(s) you want to run on the 2nd laptop display. They will forward over X11, and you can control them through Syngery.

I did this at a company where I had two laptops, and it worked quite well. It's a bit of work to set up, but worth the effort. Of course you'll probably want to set up your ~/.ssh/config along with this for automatically setting SSH settings. I haven't found any software that was much better, if it even provided this functionality, that worked on Linux.

What you are looking for is an XDMX kind of technology.