How can I write fancy-looking Roman numerals?

Fancy Romans:

1--5: \fancyRoman{1}

6--10: \fancyRoman{6}

11--12: \fancyRoman{11}

enter image description here

I have used, instead, an old package called romanbar package to write roman numbers where you can see also the macro of the user @egreg that it is the same of the link of the comment below the question,

enter image description here

Here there is my small code:

enter image description here

    \usepackage{newtxtext}%%%%%%%%%%%% <----optional (it gives a best view of the roman numbers) - 
%%%% You can choose another font compilable with pdfLaTeX
    \Romanbar{1}, \Romanbar{2}, \Romanbar{5}, \Romanbar{10}, \Romanbar{43}