How can I write Windows batch file command with loop and % operator?

It's rather complicated, because of the way variable expansion in loops works in batch files. Batch files do have their own for construct; no need to mess around with gotos. %% is the modulo operator in batch files, as % is reserved for expansion of variables.

This code works for me:

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /l %%i in (0,1,99) do (
  set /a remainder = %%i %% 10
  if !remainder! == 0 (
    echo something
  ) else (
    echo %%i

Modulo can be done with set /a. Loops can be done with goto, just like how you convert those for loops into goto in C

@echo off
set "i=0"
if %i% equ 100 goto :endfor
set /a "mod=i %% 10"
if %mod% equ 0 (
    echo something %mod%
) else (
    echo %i%
set /a "i+=1"
goto :loop

Notice that rem is a command for starting a comment so using rem in the script may result in undesired behavior

The loop can be made simpler with for /l but now you have to enable delayed expansion because the whole body of for is parsed at once