How can minicom "permanently" translate incoming newline (\n) to CR+LF?

Took me long enough but here I am at last! I've had to download minicom source code to get an idea what to do to avoid the hassle of constantly pressing Ctrl+Z, U... Here it is.

minicom stores its parameters in a configuration file, which defaults to $HOME/.minirc.dfl. Put the following line, to the letter:

pu addcarreturn    Yes

and now minicom adds a carriage return to all incoming lines. I have no idea why it didn't save that option along with its configuration file in the first place but, heck, I don't care now!

Beware that every option after pu must take exactly 16 characters, padded with spaces to the right.

In minicom press Ctrl+A Z. This will show the menu. Then press U ("Add Carriage Ret"), and minicom will add the CR symbol to each LF symbol automatically.

You may want to do that again in order to turn this function OFF.

Try sending the lines terminating with "\r\n" from the microcontroller.
\r means the Carriage return (ASCII code 13 or 0xd)
\n means the Line feed or New line (ASCII code 10 or 0xa)