How can we watch the Rails development log?

The Rails Configuration documentation suggests that you may have log_level set to something other than :debug in your configuration.

There is also an alternative place to view the requests: the log/development.log file in your Rails app. If nothing is written there, then your problem must be in configuration. On a *nix system I would run:

$ tail -f log/development.log

And watch the requests run by. They tell me that there is a Windows version of tail.

less -R log/development.log

I just started to use this.

Look in the log/ directory - there should be a development.log. I bet your output is there.

If it's not, make sure that directory is writable.

For how to see it while you're running: if you have git bash installed, or some other shell such as cygwin, then you can open a shell and do tail -f log/development.log which will scroll the log as it gets stuff appended to it.