How can you make a macron less wide?

You can define a short one that matches the longer ones and fits quite well on the i like this:


Another way is to define a smart version that automatically adapts it’s length. I also set this one a little lower to minimize the conflict with the drop serif of the f


Using the xstring package to check which letter follows, we can define the macro even more smart and align the macron better on top of the letter:

   \settowidth{\tmpa}{#1}% width of letter
   \setlength{\tmpb}{0em}% x-shift
   \setlength{\tmpc}{1.23ex}% raise
      {a} {\setlength{\tmpb}{-0.04em}}%
      {e} {\setlength{\tmpb}{-0.01em}}%
      {i} {\setlength{\tmpb}{-0.045em}\setlength{\tmpc}{1.8ex}}%
      {o} {\setlength{\tmpb}{-0.01em}}%
      {u} {\setlength{\tmpb}{-0.04em}}%

Of curse the right values for the lengthen \tmpa, \tmpb and \tmpc depend on the selected typeface.

Result and demo code
(original macron, short macron, smart macron, super smart macron)





   \settowidth{\tmpa}{#1}% width of letter
   \setlength{\tmpb}{0em}% x-shift
   \setlength{\tmpc}{1.23ex}% raise
      {a} {\setlength{\tmpb}{-0.04em}}%
      {e} {\setlength{\tmpb}{-0.01em}}%
      {i} {\setlength{\tmpb}{-0.045em}\setlength{\tmpc}{1.8ex}}%
      {o} {\setlength{\tmpb}{-0.01em}}%
      {u} {\setlength{\tmpb}{-0.04em}}%

Tac\=e, M\=arc\=o, \=unus, f\=\i li\=\i?

Tac\shortmacron e, M\shortmacron arc\shortmacron o, \shortmacron unus, f\shortmacron\i li\shortmacron\i?

Tac\smartmacron e, M\smartmacron arc\smartmacron o, \smartmacron unus, f\smartmacron\i li\smartmacron\i?

Tac\supersmartmacron e, M\supersmartmacron arc\supersmartmacron o, \supersmartmacron unus, f\supersmartmacron\i li\supersmartmacron\i?

\=a \shortmacron a

\=a \smartmacron a

\=a \supersmartmacron a\quad
\=e \supersmartmacron e\quad
\=i \supersmartmacron i\quad
\=\i \supersmartmacron \i\quad
\=o \supersmartmacron o\quad
\=u \supersmartmacron u\quad

\supersmartmacron a\quad
\supersmartmacron e\quad
\supersmartmacron i\quad
\supersmartmacron \i\quad
\supersmartmacron o\quad
\supersmartmacron u\quad

To use the shortcut with on of the smart versions call


in your preamble.

