How cancel task with retrofit and rxjava

You can use the standard RxJava2 cancelling mechanism Disposable.

Observable<String> o = retrofit.getObservable(..);
Disposable d = o.subscribe(...);

// later when not needed

Retrofit RxJava call adapter will redirect this to okHttp's cancel.



The chosen answer is for Rx Java 1 and is not valid for RxJava2. For the latter, you can use Disposable. Follow this:

  1. Define CompositeDisposable compositeDisposable=new CompositeDisposable() as a field in your Activity or Fragment in class.
  2. Define the api using Retrofit 2 as something like this:

    public Observable<YourPojo> callApiWithRetrofit() {
        return getService(YourApiService.class).callApi();
  3. Define Disposableand add it to the compositeDisposable instance:

    Disposable disposable = callApiWithRetrofit().subscribeOn(
            new DisposableObserver<List<YourPojo>>() {
                protected void onStart() {
                public void onNext(@NonNull List<AlertAssetDTO> listResponse) {
                public void onError(@NonNull Throwable e) {
                public void onComplete() {
  4. Wherever you want the connection to be cancelled (e.g. onDestroy() method of your Activity or onDestroyView() of your Fragment) call mCompositeDisposable.clear();

Multiple disposables may be added to the CompostieDisposable above this way.