How critical is it to keep your password length secret?

Well, let's start with math: If we assume that your password consists of lowers, uppers, and numbers, that's 62 characters to choose from (just to keep the math easy, real passwords use symbols too). A password of length 1 has 62 possibilities, a password of length 2 has 62^2 possibilities, ..., a password of length n has 62^n possibilities.

So that means that if they know your password has exactly 17 characters, then they can skip all the passwords with length less than 17, and there are only 62^17 passwords to try.

But how many passwords are there with length less than 17, compared to 62^17?

Well, if we add up 62^n and divide by 62^17 we get (sum from n=1 to n=16 of 62^n ) / 62^17 = 0.016 (link to calculation), so checking only passwords of length 17 is only 1.6% faster than checking all passwords up to length 17

If we have a password scheme which allows all 95 printable ASCII characters, then the savings from not having to try passwords shorter than 17 drops to 1.06% (link to calculation).

An interesting mathematical quirk about this ratio of the number of passwords shorter than n, over the number of passwords of length n, is that it doesn't really depend on n. This is because we're already very close to the asymptote of 1/95 = 0.0105. So an attacker gets the same relative, or percentage, time savings from this trick regardless of the length of your password; it's always between 1% - 2%. Though, of course, the absolute time that it takes grows orders of magnitude with each new character that you add.

The maths above assume a simple brute-forcer which will try a, b, c, ..., aa, ab, ... Which is a good(ish) model for cracking properly-random computer-generated passwords, but is a terrible model for guessing human-generated passwords.

Real password crackers are dictionary-based, trying words (and combinations of words) from the English dictionary, lists of leaked passwords, etc, so those calculations should be taken with a grain of salt.

Another effect of knowing your length is that they don't have to try any passwords longer than 17, which for brute-forcing algorithms that try combinations of dictionary words, could actually be a huge savings.

As mentioned by @SteveSether, @xeon, and @CountIblis, disclosing the length (or entropy) of a password can also effect whether an attacker even attempts to crack your password by deterring them away from strong passwords and instead attracting them to weak ones. So if you know you have a strong password, then disclose away! However, disclosing the password lengths (or entropies) for all users in a system has the effect of making strong passwords stronger, and weak passwords weaker.

Bottom Line:

Telling someone the length of your password isn't the worst thing you can do, but I still wouldn't do it.

Apart from the maths detailed by @Mike, consider also that the password length leaks all over the place:

  • When it is typed, a sneaky bystander can learn it, either by counting the '*' on the screen, or listening to the keystrokes (in the latter case, he can record the sound with his smartphone and play it as his leisure).

  • In a classic "Web browser" scenario, the user name and password will be sent to the server through some HTTPS POST. The SSL layer will encrypt the data, but SSL does not hide the data length, so a passive network observer will also learn the password length.

  • Both the user-side interface, and the receiving system, will process the password with functions whose execution time and memory access patterns will depend on the password length. Attackers who can do timing measures will usually be able to infer the password length from these measures.

Therefore, a sane approach is to consider the password length as public data. Some attackers won't have access to it (the kind of attackers who just grabbed a copy of the server database); others will know it. It is very hard to know "how much secret" the password length is, and since security is all about quantifying things, it is best to just assume that all attackers may know the password length. Believing that you can keep it secret, and estimating security based on that notion, would be overly dangerous.

Revealing your password length reveals something about the strength of your password. So you're in essence giving someone a hint about how hard it might be to guess.

So if your password is very long (17 characters in your example) it's largely useless information. If the password is short, (6 characters), it tells an attacker that you might be worth attacking. Attackers go after the easiest targets.