How do I align text for a single subitem in a ListView using C#?

example :

listView1.Columns[1].TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Right;

will set Column's "1" alignment to right

Note: Due to a limitation of the underlying native ListView control (living in comctl32.dll), the first column cannot be aligned. It will be always aligned left. The second limitation is when you custom draw (custom draw subitems): when you enable column reordering, the text of the first column is NOT reordered correctly. I solved this limitation (would not call it a bug, because the listview supports many list styles and the internal data structure of a list view is a tree like one) by not allowing to reorder the first column, which in most cases is no problem, because you'll use some sort of key for the first column like number or something similar.

The "ColumnHeader" class has a "TextAlign" property that will change the alignment for all subitems in the column. If you need something more fancy you could always use the "DrawSubItem" event and make it owner drawn.