How do I back up my VS Code settings and list of installed extensions?

I've submitted an answer for this on the main StackOverflow site - pasted below for context

I've need to do this myself a few times - especially when installing on another machine.

Depending on your platform VS Code looks for your extensions folder (.vscode/extensions) on one of the following paths:

  • Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions
  • Mac: ~/.vscode/extensions
  • Linux: ~/.vscode/extensions

That should show you a list of the extensions

I've also had success using Visual Studio Code Settings Sync Extension to sync settings to GitHub gist

EDIT: In the lastest release of VSCode (May 2016) it is now possible to list the installed extension in the command line

code --list-extensions

So as treehead's edit or MarkP's answer showed you can now list all extensions installed so the way to install that list of extensions would be to:

code --list-extensions >> vs_code_extensions_list.txt

Transfer the newly created file to the machine that you want to install those extensions to. On that machine you would:

cat vs_code_extensions_list.txt | xargs -n 1 code --install-extension

Which will then go through each extension in that file and install the extension.

If you want a clean install (AKA remove all existing extensions on that machine) you could run this before you install the new extensions (otherwise you will remove those new extensions too). BE CAREFUL as this will remove all extensions in VS Code:

code --list-extensions | xargs -n 1 code --uninstall-extension

Here's the location of the VSCode settings (see below + comments):

Windows %APPDATA%\Code\User\settings.json
macOS $HOME/Library/ApplicationSupport/Code/User/settings.json
Linux $HOME/.config/Code/User/settings.json

It appears to only be storing modified settings, which is really nice (so you don't clobber up or screw with future versions).

You may also want /snippets/, in the same folder as settings.json.

And, of course, you can run code --list-extensions, as the other answers already mention.

Edit: I just discovered a neat little trick! Hit Ctrl+Shift+P to open up the command palette, and then type/select Preferences: Open Settings (JSON). This will open up your settings.json file. Then, you can right click on the settings.json tab, and click Open Containing Folder. This will take you to the folder mentioned above!