How do I call "cpuid" in Linux?

Since you are compiling with GCC then you can include cpuid.h which declares these functions:

/* Return highest supported input value for cpuid instruction.  ext can
   be either 0x0 or 0x8000000 to return highest supported value for
   basic or extended cpuid information.  Function returns 0 if cpuid
   is not supported or whatever cpuid returns in eax register.  If sig
   pointer is non-null, then first four bytes of the signature
   (as found in ebx register) are returned in location pointed by sig.  */
unsigned int __get_cpuid_max (unsigned int __ext, unsigned int *__sig)

/* Return cpuid data for requested cpuid level, as found in returned
   eax, ebx, ecx and edx registers.  The function checks if cpuid is
   supported and returns 1 for valid cpuid information or 0 for
   unsupported cpuid level.  All pointers are required to be non-null.  */
int __get_cpuid (unsigned int __level,
    unsigned int *__eax, unsigned int *__ebx,
    unsigned int *__ecx, unsigned int *__edx)

You don't need to, and should not, re-implement this functionality.

for (a =0; a < 5; ++a;)

There should only be two semicolons there. You've got three.

This is basic C/C++ syntax; the CPUID is a red herring.