How do I change the background color in gnuplot?

Ooh, found it. It's along the lines of:

set terminal png x222222 xffffff

It is a setting for some terminal (windows use background). Check out colorbox including its bdefault.


According to the official documentation, as of version 5.4 the right way to set the background color in a gnuplot script is something like the following:

set term wxt background rgb "gray75"

Note that the color must be quoted. Beside color names you can use hex values with the format "#AARRGGBB" or "0xAARRGGBB

You can change the background color by command set object 1 rectangle from screen 0,0 to screen 1,1 fillcolor rgb"green" behind to set the background color to the the color you specified (here is green).

To get more knowledge about setting the background in gnuplot, you can visit this blog. There are even provided methods to set a gradient color background and background pictures. Good luck!

