How do I change the default download directory for pre-trained model in Keras?

According to documentation

Signature: ResNet50(include_top=True, weights='imagenet', input_tensor=None, input_shape=None, pooling=None, classes=1000)

There's no parameter to specify where to download the pre-trained model weights.

(1) What you can do is to move the file to where you want it to be after the download from your terminal using mv (

UPDATE: I went to check the github repo of Keras ( and found the link to the weights. For resnet:


You can download those weights directly to your file system using whatever methods (i.e. urllib).

If you are using the master branch of keras, you can set the KERAS_HOME environment variable to set the cache directory. If it is not set, cache directory defaults to $HOME/.keras.

export KERAS_HOME="/path/to/keras/dir"

Add the line to your ".bashrc" to set the variable every time you open up a new terminal.

This has not yet been released, you must use the master branch to use this feature.