Apple - How do I change the location of macOS screen captures?

According to this page...

defaults write location <path>

Also, to turn on/off shadow:

defaults write disable-shadow -bool true
defaults write disable-shadow -bool false

And to change file type:

defaults write type <format>

You'll want to

killall SystemUIServer

to make the commands take effect.

As of macOS 10.14+, you don't need any specific software or scripts. The default screenshot location can be changed in the Screenshot app UI:

  1. Enter Screenshot mode:

    • Press Command+Shift+5
    • Press the Touchbar's Screenshot button
  2. Go to the floating screenshots options window.

  3. Select Options > Save to > Other Location...
  4. Choose a new screenshot location.

Select "Options" here:

Screenshot options

Now all screenshots will be stored at the chosen location.

If you use TinkerTool you can change the location that screen capture will saved:

alt text

And also you can Add control to the two shortcuts above to place the screen shot on the clipboard instead of saving it to the desktop., and paste it in image Editor like Acorn.