How Do I Choose Between a Hash Table and a Trie (Prefix Tree)?

Use a tree:

  1. If you need auto complete feature
  2. Find all words beginning with 'a' or 'axe' so on.
  3. A suffix tree is a special form of a tree. Suffix trees have a whole list of advantages that hash cannot cover.

It all depends on what problem you're trying to solve. If all you need to do is insertions and lookups, go with a hash table. If you need to solve more complex problems such as prefix-related queries, then a trie might be the better solution.

Advantages of tries:

The basics:

  • Predictable O(k) lookup time where k is the size of the key
  • Lookup can take less than k time if it's not there
  • Supports ordered traversal
  • No need for a hash function
  • Deletion is straightforward

New operations:

  • You can quickly look up prefixes of keys, enumerate all entries with a given prefix, etc.

Advantages of linked structure:

  • If there are many common prefixes, the space they require is shared.
  • Immutable tries can share structure. Instead of updating a trie in place, you can build a new one that's different only along one branch, elsewhere pointing into the old trie. This can be useful for concurrency, multiple simultaneous versions of a table, etc.
  • An immutable trie is compressible. That is, it can share structure on the suffixes as well, by hash-consing.

Advantages of hashtables:

  • Everyone knows hashtables, right? Your system will already have a nice well-optimized implementation, faster than tries for most purposes.
  • Your keys need not have any special structure.
  • More space-efficient than the obvious linked trie structure (see comments below)

Everyone knows hash table and its uses but it is not exactly constant look up time , it depends on how big the hash table is , the computational complexity of the hash function.

Creating huge hash tables for efficient lookup is not an elegant solution in most of the industrial scenarios where even small latency/scalability matters (e.g.: high frequency trading). You have to care about the data structures to be optimized for space it takes up in memory too to reduce cache miss.

A very good example where trie better suits the requirements is messaging middleware . You have a million subscribers and publishers of messages to various categories (in JMS terms - Topics or exchanges) , in such cases if you want to filter out messages based on topics (which are actually strings) , you definitely do not want create hash table for the million subscriptions with million topics . A better approach is store the topics in trie , so when filtering is done based on topic match , its complexity is independent of number of topics/subscriptions/publishers (only depends on the length of string). I like it because you can be creative with this data structure to optimize space requirements and hence have lower cache miss.