How do I clear location.state in react-router on page reload?

If you're using react hooks, you can use window.history directly to clear the state without triggering a rerender. This is better than using the useHistory hook's replace method, which would cause your component to rerender.

window.history.replaceState({}, document.title)

After you used the state, dispatch an action with an empty state again to clean the state.

  state: undefined

There is better approach without using the 3 party library.

We can use history.replace()

 const {location,history} = this.props;
 //use the state via location.state
 //and replace the state via

I also ran into this problem, and what I ended up doing was retrieving the browser history from react router and clearing specific location.state properties. So in your case, it would be transaction. I did this in componentDidMount so that after the first time you go to the page, that property should no longer be there,

import createHistory from 'history/createBrowserHistory'


    const history = createHistory();
    if (history.location.state && history.location.state.transaction) {
        let state = { ...history.location.state };
        delete state.transaction;
        history.replace({ ...history.location, state });