How do I color output text from Perl script on Windows?

For any terminal that supports ANSI escape codes you can use the Term::ANSIColor package available on CPAN.

From the Wikipedia page:

Console windows in Windows versions based on NT (Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008) do not natively support ANSI Escape sequences, though some support is possible.

Don't know any more Windows-specific information than that, I'm a POSIX guy. :-)

Win32::Console - here's an example

use Win32::Console;
my $CONSOLE = Win32::Console->new(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
my $attr = $CONSOLE->Attr(); # Get current console colors
$CONSOLE->Attr($FG_YELLOW | $BG_GREEN); # Yellow text on green

print "This is a test\n";

$CONSOLE->Attr($attr); # Set console colors back to original

system("color A"); #DOS command, change text color to lime

system("color 7"); #DOS command, change text color to white

However those commands change text color on the whole screen. Type "color ?" in DOS window to see color options

I am using strawberry perl on Windows and I did not have Win32::Console package. To install this package type in console:

perl -MCPAN -e shell

install Win32::Console


Here is what worked best for me after all:

1) Installed Win32::Console::ANSI (note that this is not the same as Win32::Console)

perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install Win32::Console::ANSI

2) If this module is loaded before Term::ANSIColor, you can use the standard Term::ANSIColor API and it actually works (I tried it with Windows 7).

use Win32::Console::ANSI;
use Term::ANSIColor;

print color("blue"), "blue\n", color("reset");
print "normal\n";