How do I convert a 64bit number to hexadecimal in excel?

I found a simple solution for converting HEX to DEC and vice versa without the limits of characters.

HEX to DEC: use DECIMAL(input number or cell coordinates, input base number)

  • Case 1: I want to convert hex value "3C" to decimal, the formula is DECIMAL(3C, 16).
  • Case 2: I want to convert binary value "1001" to decimal, the formula is DECIMAL(1001, 2).

DEC to HEX: use BASE(input number or cell coordinates, output base number)

  • Case 1:I want to convert number value "1500" to hexadecimal, the formula is BASE(1500, 16)

  • Case 2:I want to convert number value "1500" to binary, the formula is BASE(1500, 2)

If you want to convert a decimal number to a 64 bit hex string, assuming that the decimal number is in cell A1 you can use the following:


This will work up to decimal value of 18,446,744,073,709,500,000 or hex value of 0xfffffffffffff800.


To convert from hex string to decimal, assuming that the 64bit hex string is in cell A1 and contains 16-characters then you can use the following:


You can adjust the number of characters in the LEFT(text,[num_chars]) to better suit your needs.

If your hex string has a 0x then you can use the following:


The DEC2HEX function has a limit of 549,755,813,887, try this formula it works for numbers up to 281,474,976,710,655.


