How do I convert all property values in an object to type string?

You can use a recursive method which looks through all the keys.

The Object.keys() method returns an array of a given object's own enumerable properties.

There are two cases:

  • if typeof operator returns object, then you have to recall the function.

  • otherwise, you just need to apply String() method.

But you can use ternary operator for one-line solution.

 typeof myObj[key] == 'object' ? replace(myObj[key]) : myObj[key]= myObj[key].toString();

var myObj = {
  myProp1: 'bed',
  myProp2: 10,
  myProp3: {
    myNestedProp1: 'desk',
    myNestedProp2: 20
function replace(myObj){
    typeof myObj[key] == 'object' ? replace(myObj[key]) : myObj[key]= String(myObj[key]);

Object.keys should be fine, you just need to use recursion when you find nested objects. To cast something to string, you can simply use this trick

var str = '' + val;

var myObj = {
  myProp1: 'bed',
  myProp2: 10,
  myProp3: {
    myNestedProp1: 'desk',
    myNestedProp2: 20

function toString(o) {
  Object.keys(o).forEach(k => {
    if (typeof o[k] === 'object') {
      return toString(o[k]);
    o[k] = '' + o[k];
  return o;
