How do I determine the size of my SQL Server database?

Solution 1:

You'll probably want to start with the sp_spaceused command.

For example:

sp_spaceused Returns information about the total size of the database

sp_spaceused 'MyTable' Returns information about the size of MyTable

Read the docs for all the things you can get information about. You can also use the sp_msforeachtable command to run sp_spaceused against all tables at once.

Edit: Be aware the command sometimes returns multiple datasets, each set containing a different chunk of stats.

Solution 2:

The easiest way (no typing!): In SQL 2005/8 from Management Studio, right click the database, select Reports, Standard Reports, Disk Usage (also By Top Tables, Table and Partition).

Solution 3:

This script loops through all of the tables in the current database and shows how much space each one takes up for data, indexes, and unused space:

Solution 4:

run this to get the size per table:

**    File: “GetTableSpaceUsage.sql”
**    Name: Get Table Space Useage for a specific schema
**    Auth: Robert C. Cain
**    Date: 01/27/2008
**    Desc: Calls the sp_spaceused proc for each table in a schema and returns
**        the Table Name, Number of Rows, and space used for each table.
**    Called by:
**     n/a – As needed
**    Input Parameters:
**     In the code check the value of @schemaname, if you need it for a
**     schema other than dbo be sure to change it.
**    Output Parameters:
**     NA

/* Drop the temp table if it's there from a previous run                     */
if object_id(N'tempdb..[#TableSizes]') is not null
  drop table #TableSizes ;

/* Create the temp table                                                     */
create table #TableSizes
    [Table Name] nvarchar(128)   /* Name of the table */
  , [Number of Rows] char(11)    /* Number of rows existing in the table. */
  , [Reserved Space] varchar(18) /* Reserved space for table. */
  , [Data Space] varchar(18)    /* Amount of space used by data in table. */
  , [Index Size] varchar(18)    /* Amount of space used by indexes in table. */
  , [Unused Space] varchar(18)   /* Amount of space reserved but not used. */
  ) ;

/* Load the temp table                                                        */
declare @schemaname varchar(256) ;
-- Make sure to set next line to the Schema name you want!
set @schemaname = 'dbo' ;

-- Create a cursor to cycle through the names of each table in the schema
declare curSchemaTable cursor
  for select + '.' +
      from    sys.objects
            , sys.schemas
      where   object_id > 100
              and = @schemaname
              /* For a specific table uncomment next line and supply name */
              --and = 'specific-table-name-here'    
              and type_desc = 'USER_TABLE'
              and sys.objects.schema_id = sys.schemas.schema_id ;

open curSchemaTable ;
declare @name varchar(256) ;  /* This holds the name of the current table*/

-- Now loop thru the cursor, calling the sp_spaceused for each table
fetch curSchemaTable into @name ;
while ( @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 )
    insert into #TableSizes
            exec sp_spaceused @objname = @name ;       
    fetch curSchemaTable into @name ;   

/* Important to both close and deallocate! */
close curSchemaTable ;     
deallocate curSchemaTable ;

/* Feed the results back                                                     */
select [Table Name]
      , [Number of Rows]
      , [Reserved Space]
      , [Data Space]
      , [Index Size]
      , [Unused Space]
from    [#TableSizes]
order by [Table Name] ;

/* Remove the temp table                                                     */
drop table #TableSizes ;

taken from Robert Caine blog

This code is for Microsoft SQL 2005+


Sql Server