How do I disable the profiles button in Chrome?

The following instructions only work for versions of chrome < 44 or version 46:

Disable this via chrome://flags

It's accessible by copy/pasting this URL in the omnibox:


Disable it to remove the button.

For Chrome 45 and higher:

  • Not possible. Sadly, you're stuck with it.

For Chrome 44:

  1. Edit your Chrome shortcut and add the parameter --disable-new-avatar-menu
  2. Restart Chrome

For Chrome 43 and lower:

  1. Copy/paste the following into the omnibox: chrome://flags/#enable-new-avatar-menu
  2. Set the value to "Disabled"
  3. Restart Chrome

For those who use OS X and Chrome 44 you can apply the following command in Terminal:

open -a "Google" --args -disable-new-avatar-menu

Make sure you have your Chrome closed before you do this.