How do I disable update-apt-xapi

One forum thread says Synaptic's search function is affected if you remove apt-xapian-index.

You can disable the periodic updates by adding this line:

APT::Periodic::Enable "0";

to a file called /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99periodic-disable (I picked that name. You can change it, as long as you keep the 99 in front, if you don't like it).

I have no idea if the Synaptic search is still usable after you do this, but I prefer this solution to others, as it doesn't affect config files (that won't be updated on next package upgrade because of local changes), doesn't change permissions (that will be restored on next package upgrade) and Synaptic (if you use it) might still be a happy bunny.

Try removing package apt-xapian-index. You will lose command axi-cache and some bash tab completition for apt-get but you will get your computer back.

In my case @today

$ chmod a-x /etc/cron.weekly/apt-xapian-index
$ echo 'APT::Periodic::Enable "0";' >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic



