How do I enlarge an EER Diagram in MySQL Workbench?

On the Model pull-down there is an option Diagram Properties and Size, which allows the size of the diagram to be changed.

ER Diagram -> Model -> Diagram Properties and Size...

Menu access

grid size

Menu access - windows

grid size - windows

In addition to the already told "diagram propertys" settings - where everything is measured in pages and where you can't enter float values to make slightly smaller or bigger. But you can change the page size itself: File->Page Setup

enter image description here

If the "Diagram Properties and Size..." option is grayed out, do the following:

  1. Save your work, as this may crash Workbench;
  2. Go to Model > Model Options;
  3. Choose the "Diagram" tab;
  4. Uncheck "Use defaults from global settings..." at the bottom;
  5. Confirm "Ok". This may crash Workbench, depending on the version and/or operating system.
  6. Either way, "Model > Diagram Properties and Size..." should now be enabled, even if you had to reopen Workbench.