How do I extract a single chunk of bytes from within a file?

This is an old question, but I'd like to add another version of the dd command that is better-suited for large chunks of bytes:

dd if=input.binary of=output.binary skip=$offset count=$bytes iflag=skip_bytes,count_bytes

where $offset and $bytes are numbers in byte units.

The difference with Thomas's accepted answer is that bs=1 does not appear here. bs=1 sets the input and output block size to 1 byte, which makes it terribly slow when the number of bytes to extract is large.

This means we leave the block size (bs) at its default of 512 bytes. Using iflag=skip_bytes,count_bytes, we tell dd to treat the values after skip and count as byte amount instead of block amount.

head -c + tail -c

Not sure how it compares to dd in efficiency, but it is fun:

printf "123456789" | tail -c+2 | head -c3

picks 3 bytes, starting at the 2nd one:


See also:

  • How to grab an arbitrary chunk from a file on Unix/Linux
  • Manual for head
  • Manual for tail

Try dd:

dd skip=102567 count=253 if=input.binary of=output.binary bs=1

The option bs=1 sets the block size, making dd read and write one byte at a time. The default block size is 512 bytes.

The value of bs also affects the behavior of skip and count since the numbers in skip and count are the numbers of blocks that dd will skip and read/write, respectively.



