How do I filter or remove logging of ActiveJob arguments?


ActiveJob::Base.logger =

I used after_initialize to hook beforehand. It turned out to work only in perform_start method but not enqueue.
Using on_load method to hook works. I think it's the lazyload feature in Rails causing the class to be loaded after the override.

ActiveSupport.on_load :active_job do
  class ActiveJob::Logging::LogSubscriber
    private def args_info(job)
      # override this method to filter arguments shown in app log

One thing that may be useful to note here: In any instance of a class that is subclassed from (Rails 5.1) ActiveJob::Base (or, any class instance called by a class subclassed from ActiveJob::Base) The normal'log this') commands are going to get logged to the rails console (presumably via STDOUT).

I haven't quite figured out the mechanism that causes this hijacking of Rails.logger, but you can switch to ActiveJob::Base.logger and use the knowledge of this: ( to change the behavior as you wish.

So, this allows you to log as you want:

1) Include require "active_job/logging" in your application.rb

2) In config/development.rb (or whatever environments you want) include this line:

config.active_job.logger ="log/#{Rails.env}.log"))

3) Any logging inside of subclasses of ActiveJob, use this for logging:'(MyJob) Inside of a job but not going to STDOUT')

If anyone can point out the code that explains why behaves differently when inside of an ActiveJob class that would be some good reading.

It seems the only way is to override ActiveJob's internal logging method:

class ActiveJob::Logging::LogSubscriber
  private def args_info(job)

Put it somewhere into app/initializers/active_job_logger_patch.rb.