How do I find out what version of TinyMCE I am running?

Open the page, on which you integrate the tinyMCE and press Control+Shift+J

and type following command.


and the output of the above the command, will show both major version, minor version and release date as shown in figure.

enter image description here

Having a look at the source of tinymce (file tiny_mce_src.js, which is easier to read than, tiny_mce.js which is minified) :

var tinymce = {
    majorVersion : '3',
    minorVersion : '2.5',
    releaseDate : '2009-06-29',

    // lots of code ^^


So, I'd say that, in Javascript, something like this :

tinymce.majorVersion + '.' + tinymce.minorVersion

would do.

I tried it on the demo page, using firebug, and I get :

>>> tinymce.majorVersion + '.' + tinymce.minorVersion

So, seems to be working ;-)

