Apple - How do I find out which folder an app is in in iOS 11?

It works if you tap on it in the list of hits. E.g if I search for "Pages", tap on my top hit in the highlighted list of hits, it shows me the app, Pages and to the right is the folder name "Office" (in my case). Or "Stocks", tap the top hit, and I see the Stocks App, and it is in the indicated folder "Little Used".


Also confirmed on my own iPhone 7 Plus ios 11.3.1

enter image description here

Just search for it in spotlight. If there is only 1 app result it will show the folder.

Spotlight search shows the folder name on iOS 12.

There isn’t a way to do this on device with earlier iOS just tapping the interface.

I wish I could 3D Touch or force touch from Siri results to delete the apps or see the path to the folder and app. Either Apple hasn’t figured out how they want to design this experience or they believe people will either offload unused apps or use the list view to delete as a workaround.

The only other avenue to remove without locating an app is to search for apps in the storage section of the settings app and delete apps without using the springboard interface.

If you just want to launch the app, try Siri or perhaps a utility like workflow to open it procedurally or from the suggested area.

