How do I fix UnsupportedCharsetException in Eclipse Kepler/Luna with Jython/PyDev?

I've fixed this issue following the advice mentioned in the bug report you referred to (, adding -Dpython.console.encoding=UTF-8 as a VM argument to the run configuration for my program. Setting the same value as an environment variable for the Jython interpreter didn't work in my case.

I'm using Jython 2.7.0 and Eclipse Luna with PyDev on Windows 7.

I've fixed the problem by downgrading Jython from 2.7.0 to 2.5.4rc1. It seems to be an issue of Python 3.4 with Jython 2.7.0.

So, I've downloaded the Jython 2.5.4rc1 - Standalone Jar, and changed the Jython interpreter manually on Eclipse Luna by going: Window -> Preferences -> PyDev -> Interpreters -> Jython Interpreter -> Removing the current Jython Interpreter -> New Button (Adding the downloaded standalone .jar).

Now we have to wait to see if the Jython bug will go away on the next version of Jython (Perhaps it's not an issue of Python 3.4, but an issue with Eclipse itself. In all cases, I've test both with Kepler and Luna, and the error persisted. I did not test with Python 2.7, so I don't know).

Case closed.

Well, I think this isn't really related to PyDev (only Jython)... (you can double check by running it in the command line).

I think what you're seeing is the same thing as the following report at the Jython tracker: