How do I format an internal hard drive to exFAT in Windows 10?

  1. By Command prompt Format D: /A:64K /FS:ExFAT

64k is cluster size, D is target drive letter.

  1. By Diskpart:

    list disk

select disk '#' (where # is the number of the targer drive)

If you want that for a partition:

list part
select part # (where # is the number of the partition)
format fs=exfat -q 

If you want it for the whole drive just erase it all and make a single partition

create partition primary

active (you many not need to make it active, so you can skip this)

format fs=exfat -q

Update: for Windows 10, use QUICK instead of -q

Open command line (CMD) and run the command below:

format X: /FS:exFAT

It basically means format the "X" Drive with exFAT Filesystem. Change the X to whatever drive letter the internal hard drive has at the moment.

There are other filesystem type, which you can check by doing format /?