How do I get a list of all font features supported by current font

You can use fontspec function \fontspec_if_feature:nTF. It will work in both xelatex and lualatex

\def\fontfeatures{abvf, abvm, abvs, aalt, akhn, nalt, halt, afrc, valt, vhal, blwf, blwm, blws, cpsp, c2pc, c2sc, case, cpct, cv01, cv02, cv03, cv04, cv05, cv06, cv07, cv08, cv09, cv10, cv11, cv12, cv13, cv14, cv15, cv16, cv17, cv18, cv19, cv20, cv21, cv22, cv23, cv24, cv25, cv26, cv27, cv28, cv29, cv30, cv31, cv32, cv33, cv34, cv35, cv36, cv37, cv38, cv39, cv40, cv41, cv42, cv43, cv44, cv45, cv46, cv47, cv48, cv49, cv50, cv51, cv52, cv53, cv54, cv55, cv56, cv57, cv58, cv59, cv60, cv61, cv62, cv63, cv64, cv65, cv66, cv67, cv68, cv69, cv70, cv71, cv72, cv73, cv74, cv75, cv76, cv77, cv78, cv79, cv80, cv81, cv82, cv83, cv84, cv85, cv86, cv87, cv88, cv89, cv90, cv91, cv92, cv93, cv94, cv95, cv96, cv97, cv98, cv99, cjct, cfar, calt, clig, cswh, curs, dnom, dlig, dist, expt, falt, frac, fwid, ccmp, haln, half, hwid, hngl, hist, hlig, hkna, hojo, init, isol, ital, jp04, jp78, jp83, jp90, jalt, kern, lnum, ljmo, lfbd, ltra, ltrm, locl, mark, mset, mkmk, mgrk, medi, med2, nlck, nukt, numr, onum, opbd, size, ordn, ornm, pcap, pref, pres, psts, pstf, palt, vpal, pnum, pkna, pwid, qwid, rand, rkrf, rphf, rlig, rtbd, rtla, rtlm, ruby, sinf, smpl, zero, smcp, liga, salt, ss01, ss02, ss03, ss04, ss05, ss06, ss07, ss08, ss09, ss10, ss11, ss12, ss13, ss14, ss15, ss16, ss17, ss18, ss19, ss20, subs, sups, swsh, tnum, fina, fin2, fin3, twid, titl, trad, tnam, tjmo, unic, vatu, vert, vrt2, vkna, vkrn, vjmo}
% see for their list 
\fontspec_if_feature:nTF {##1}{##1,\ }{}

This should list all features in the current font, it can even be extended to list supported scripts and languages for every feature:


local id   = font.current()
local font = fonts.identifiers[id]
local data = font.shared.otfdata
if data then
  local features = data.luatex.features
  for i,_ in next, features do
    for f,_ in next, features[i] do
      %print(f, table.serialize(features[i][f]))
      tex.sprint(-1, f.." ")

\fontspec{TeX Gyre Pagella} \listfontfeatures

On Linux it is simple and I suppose that Windows has a similiar command

voss@shania:~/.fonts/Junicode> otfinfo -f Junicode.ttf 
c2sc    Small Capitals From Capitals
calt    Contextual Alternates
case    Case-Sensitive Forms
ccmp    Glyph Composition/Decomposition
dlig    Discretionary Ligatures
fina    Terminal Forms
frac    Fractions
hist    Historical Forms
hlig    Historical Ligatures
kern    Kerning
liga    Standard Ligatures
mark    Mark Positioning
mgrk    Mathematical Greek
mkmk    Mark to Mark Positioning
onum    Oldstyle Figures
rtlm    <unknown feature>
salt    Stylistic Alternates
smcp    Small Capitals
ss01    Stylistic Set 1
ss02    Stylistic Set 2
ss04    Stylistic Set 4
ss05    Stylistic Set 5
ss06    Stylistic Set 6
ss07    Stylistic Set 7
ss08    Stylistic Set 8
ss09    Stylistic Set 9
ss14    Stylistic Set 14
ss15    Stylistic Set 15
ss18    Stylistic Set 18
ss19    Stylistic Set 19
ss20    Stylistic Set 20
subs    Subscript
sups    Superscript
swsh    Swash