How do I get a React Native TextInput to maintain focus after submit?

I've submitted a PR with a blurOnSubmit property.

Set it to false and the TextInput never blurs, onSubmitEditing still fires though.

Hopefully it gets merged. :)

I came out with following (working) solution:

var NameInput = React.createClass({
  getInitialState() {
    return {
      textValue: ''

  clearAndRetainFocus: function(evt, elem) {
    this.setState({textValue: elem.text});
    setTimeout(function() {
      this.setState({textValue: this.getInitialState().textValue});
    }.bind(this), 0);

  render() {
        onEndEditing={this.clearAndRetainFocus} />

So, basically when we end editing, we will set the textValue state to the value of the TextInput and right after that (in setTimeout), we switch it back to default (empty) and retain focus on the element.