How do I get an absolute URL for an asset in Rails 3.1?

Try this in your application_helper.rb (from one of the comments on the page Spike listed):

def image_url(source)

Our production and staging assets are on s3/cloudfront... but not locally/dev. So I wrote this (may be overkill, and probably can be simplified):

  def get_digest_file(source)
     return asset_path(source.to_s.downcase) unless Rails.application.config.assets.digests.present?
     return ActionController::Base.asset_host + "/assets/" + Rails.application.config.assets.digests[source.to_s.downcase]

def image_url(source)
  URI.join(root_url, image_path(source))

This way you get url either using assets_host or joining with root_url.