How do I get both STDOUT and STDERR to go to the terminal and a log file?

Approaching half a decade later...

I believe this is the "perfect solution" sought by the OP.

Here's a one liner you can add to the top of your Bash script:

exec > >(tee -a $HOME/logfile) 2>&1

Here's a small script demonstrating its use:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

exec > >(tee -a $HOME/logfile) 2>&1

# Test redirection of STDOUT
echo test_stdout

# Test redirection of STDERR
ls test_stderr___this_file_does_not_exist

(Note: This only works with Bash. It will not work with /bin/sh.)

Adapted from here; the original did not, from what I can tell, catch STDERR in the logfile. Fixed with a note from here.

Use "tee" to redirect to a file and the screen. Depending on the shell you use, you first have to redirect stderr to stdout using

./a.out 2>&1 | tee output


./a.out |& tee output

In csh, there is a built-in command called "script" that will capture everything that goes to the screen to a file. You start it by typing "script", then doing whatever it is you want to capture, then hit control-D to close the script file. I don't know of an equivalent for sh/bash/ksh.

Also, since you have indicated that these are your own sh scripts that you can modify, you can do the redirection internally by surrounding the whole script with braces or brackets, like

    ... whatever you had in your script before
} 2>&1 | tee output.file

the to redirect stderr to stdout append this at your command: 2>&1 For outputting to terminal and logging into file you should use tee

Both together would look like this:

 mycommand 2>&1 | tee mylogfile.log

EDIT: For embedding into your script you would do the same. So your script


would end up as

( whatever1
whatever3 ) 2>&1 | tee mylogfile.log

The Pattern

the_cmd 1> >(tee stdout.txt ) 2> >(tee stderr.txt >&2 )

This redirects both stdout and stderr separately, and it sends separate copies of stdout and stderr to the caller (which might be your terminal).

  • In zsh, it will not proceed to the next statement until the tees have finished.

  • In bash, you may find that the final few lines of output appear after whatever statement comes next.

In either case, the right bits go to the right places.


Here's a script (stored in ./example):

#! /usr/bin/env bash
    echo out;
    1>&2 echo err;

the_cmd 1> >(tee stdout.txt ) 2> >(tee stderr.txt >&2 )

Here's a session:

$ foo=$(./example)

$ echo $foo

$ cat stdout.txt

$ cat stderr.txt

Here's how it works:

  1. Both tee processes are started, their stdins are assigned to file descriptors. Because they're enclosed in process substitutions, the paths to those file descriptors are substituted in the calling command, so now it looks something like this:

the_cmd 1> /proc/self/fd/13 2> /proc/self/fd/14

  1. the_cmd runs, writing stdout to the first file descriptor, and stderr to the second one.

  2. In the bash case, once the_cmd finishes, the following statement happens immediately (if your terminal is the caller, then you will see your prompt appear).

  3. In the zsh case, once the_cmd finishes, the shell waits for both of the tee processes to finish before moving on. More on this here.

  4. The first tee process, which is reading from the_cmd's stdout, writes a copy of that stdout back to the caller because that's what tee does. Its outputs are not redirected, so they make it back to the caller unchanged

  5. The second tee process has it's stdout redirected to the caller's stderr (which is good, because it's stdin is reading from the_cmd's stderr). So when it writes to its stdout, those bits go to the caller's stderr.

This keeps stderr separate from stdout both in the files and in the command's output.

If the first tee writes any errors, they'll show up in both the stderr file and in the command's stderr, if the second tee writes any errors, they'll only show up only in the terminal's stderr.