How do I get "et al." to appear in italics when using \textcite or \citeauthor with biblatex
"et al." corresponds to the localization key andothers
. In most styles it is set by the generic bibliography macro name:andothers
. You can redefine this macro to wrap \bibstring{andothers}
in \emph
\renewbibmacro*{name:andothers}{% Based on name:andothers from biblatex.def
test {\ifnumequal{\value{listcount}}{\value{liststop}}}
test \ifmorenames
\textcite{companion} \citeauthor{companion}
This is another case where egreg's xpatch
package comes in handy. Instead of copy-pasting the whole content of the name:andothers
bibmacro, one may selectively apply changes (as suggested by Marco Daniel):
\textcite{companion} \citeauthor{companion}
Another way to achieve this is as follows:
andothers = {\em et\addabbrvspace al\adddot}
You actually have control over the whole text and its styling, and you can control for different languages.