How do I get italic sans-serif in math mode?
Math alphabets commands such as \mathit
and \mathsf
are not “cumulative”. You have to allocate a specific math alphabet.
\usepackage{fix-cm} % not needed if not using Computer Modern
$C$ default
$\mathit{C}$ mathit
$\mathcal{C}$ mathcal
$\mathsf{C}$ mathsf
$\mathsfit{C}$ mathsfit
$\bm{C}$ bm default
$\bm{\mathcal{C}}$ bm mathcal
$\bm{\mathsf{C}}$ bm mathsf
$\bm{\mathsfit{C}}$ bm mathsfit
Depending whether you are only seeking text characters, you could use the math \text
\[ \text{\sffamily\itshape ABC abc}\]