Drupal - How do I get line breaks when using Plain Text format?

This seems like a Drupal 7.x bug. Changing the order of filters doesn't work in my case.

My short term solution was to throw this inside my theme's template.php (ref):

 * Implements template_preprocess_field().
function THEMENAME_preprocess_field(&$vars, $hook) {
  // Add line breaks to plain text textareas.
  if (
    // Make sure this is a text_long field type.
    $vars['element']['#field_type'] == 'text_long'
    // Check that the field's format is set to null, which equates to plain_text.
    && $vars['element']['#items'][0]['format'] == null
  ) {
    $vars['items'][0]['#markup'] = nl2br($vars['items'][0]['#markup']);

For fields in views, it's needed to set this option separately in the "Rewrite Results" section of the field settings.

Looks like a bug in Drupal core http://drupal.org/node/1019042

Actually, it should work with this filters order setting at "admin/config/content/formats/plain_text"

  1. Display any HTML as plain text
  2. Convert URLs into links
  3. Convert line breaks into HTML (i.e. <br> and <p>)

Try the filters below by removing "Display any HTML as plain text":

  1. Limit allowed HTML tags ( set only <a> and <br> for allowed HTML tags list )
  2. Convert URLs into links
  3. Convert line breaks into HTML (i.e. <br> and <p>)