How do I get the full XML or HTML content of an element using ElementTree?

ElementTree works perfectly, you have to assemble the answer yourself. Something like this...

"".join( [ "" if t.text is None else t.text ] + [ xml.tostring(e) for e in t.getchildren() ] )

Thanks to JV amd PEZ for pointing out the errors.


>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as xml
>>> s= '<p>blah <b>bleh</b> blih</p>\n'
>>> t=xml.fromstring(s)
>>> "".join( [ t.text ] + [ xml.tostring(e) for e in t.getchildren() ] )
'blah <b>bleh</b> blih'

Tail not needed.

This is the solution I ended up using:

def element_to_string(element):
    s = element.text or ""
    for sub_element in element:
        s += etree.tostring(sub_element)
    s += element.tail
    return s