How do I get the value and type of a Literal in a rust proc macro?

If you're writing procedural macros, I'd recommend that you look into using the crates syn (for parsing) and quote (for code generation) instead of using proc-macro directly, since those are generally easier to deal with.

In this case, you can use syn::parse_macro_input to parse a token stream into any syntatic element of Rust (such as literals, expressions, functions), and will also take care of error messages in case parsing fails.

You can use LitStr to represent a string literal, if that's exactly what you need. The .value() function will give you a String with the contents of that literal.

You can use quote::quote to generate the output of the macro, and use # to insert the contents of a variable into the generated code.

use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use syn::{parse_macro_input, LitStr};
use quote::quote;

pub fn my_macro(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    // macro input must be `LitStr`, which is a string literal.
    // if not, a relevant error message will be generated.
    let input = parse_macro_input!(input as LitStr);

    // get value of the string literal.
    let str_value = input.value();

    // do something with value...
    let str_value = str_value.to_uppercase();

    // generate code, include `str_value` variable (automatically encodes
    // `String` as a string literal in the generated code)

