How do I give Ubuntu more space (when installed inside Windows 7 (via wubi))?

Additional virtual disks are only useful if you're able to split the filesystem (eg putting /home/ on it) so aren't much use if you've installed a ton of stuff. You can split things like /usr/bin but it can get really messy, really fast.

Have you not seen a link to this post on your travels? You'll need a LiveCD or LiveUSB to action it, but it's very simple once you're at that point. Here are the main points:

  • mount your windows partition (where the Wubi install sits)
  • fsck the Wubi filesystem to make sure it's okay. If you don't do this and it has corruption in it before resizing, bad things can happen.
  • resize2fs the Wubi filesystem to increase its size.
  • Have a snack, chill out, high-five yourself... You've just increased the partition size.

Those aren't the full commands, I'll leave those in that thread because it seems to be well maintained.

Failing that, installing Ubuntu only takes a few minutes. If you like it, perhaps you should consider a proper install (disk performance is better too).

It's hard to tell here whether you are referring to virtualization or simply the Wubi installer.

Assuming the former, first increase the size of the virtual disk, since that will allow us to expand the actual partition.

Then mount the LiveCD in the Virtual Machine and run gparted. Using that tool, resize the partition to take up the remaining space you created when you expanded the disk. Now reboot and unmount the CD.