How do I Implement AUTO_INCREMENT in a Yii2 Migration Using MySQL?
Why not a simply primaryKey?, the format for integer(8) , integer(11) or primary key is always the same is always an integer long
then or you need a small int (max 5 digit) or you can use the normal $this->primaryKey()
SMALLINT is for storage of 2 byte (value -32768 32767) an then
is not coherent. the numer 8 is for output not for store format. If you want 8 digit you need at least
INT of 4 byte -2147483648 2147483647 or more
$this->createTable('posts', [
'post_id' => "bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT",
'loc_id' => $this->integer(10)->unsigned()->notNull(),
"PRIMARY KEY (`post_id`,`loc_id`)",
If it is critical to have that column type, you can always change it:
$this->createTable('{{%status}}', [
'id' => $this->primaryKey(11),
'description' => $this->string(20),
$this->alterColumn('{{%status}}', 'id', $this->smallInteger(8).' NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT');
(I've tested this with MySQL - it works)
However, like @scaisEdge says, it's usually not worth the troble.
This works for me
'name' => Schema::TYPE_STRING,
'age' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER
However you can simply use the below style and Yii will replace the 'pk' type of id based on your DBMS. for MYSQL it will be int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY
'id' => 'pk',
'name' => Schema::TYPE_STRING,
'age' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER