Apple - How do I increase sudo password remember timeout?

Run sudo visudo and add this line:

Defaults    timestamp_timeout=-1

See man 5 sudoers. -1 causes the password to never timeout. You may change the number to whatever you like in minutes.

The man page for sudo says that sudo -v "extends the sudo timeout for another 5 minutes".

Running 'sudo visudo' instead of editing the file directly causes the system to validate the sudoers file before it commits the changes. For instance, if you leave a stray character somwhere, when you save and exit, it will say "there is an error in the sudoers file, what would you like to do?" ... hence giving you a chance to go back in and edit. This actually just happened to me 10 minutes ago.

Be really careful about modifying /etc/sudoers directly!

For instance, I tried the above suggestion directly:

sudo sh -c 'echo "\nDefaults timestamp_timeout=-1">>/etc/sudoers'

which messed up my /etc/sudoers file (on a CentOS Virtualbox VM). Should have been:

sudo sh -c 'echo -e "\nDefaults timestamp_timeout=-1">>/etc/sudoers'

Fortunately, I had access to the root account, logged in as root, used visudo and repaired the problem! So, I agree w/ the above comments to use visudo instead.

