How do I install BCM43142 wireless drivers for Dell Vostro 3460/3560?
Drivers for this are only officially available with the Vostro 3460 as provided by Dell.
However, based on the instructions and the Dell deb from the Vostro 3560 provided in this forum thread, I have created a modified DEB file that compiles and installs the driver on 12.04 (see thread for 11.10 link).
First, install the prerequisites by opening a terminal and pasting, one line at a time:
sudo apt-get install linux-headers$(uname -r | grep -Po "\-[a-z].*") sudo apt-get install build-essential dkms
Please download the appropriate DEB file from Dropbox here:
- 32-bit/i386
- 64-bit/amd64
Open a terminal, and install it with sudo dpkg -i
Hopefully it works!
Edit: 12.04 now has an updated bcmwl-kernel-source
package that reportedly supports BCM43142. bug#923809, comment 15
Please verify your with a terminal command:
lspci -nn
Is it 14e4:4365? I am not sure it is even possible in a 32-bit system. If you have a 64-bit system and the device I mentioned, then I suggest this package:
First install the prerequisites:
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic build-essential dkms
Then install the package with:
cd Desktop <--or wherever you downloaded the deb
sudo dpkg -i wire*.deb
sudo modprobe wl