How do I install cURL on cygwin?

Nobody said how to install apt-cyg

in cygwin

lynx -source > apt-cyg
install apt-cyg /bin

now you can

apt-cyg install curl

For more, see the official github repository of apt-cyg.

In the Cygwin package manager, click on curl from within the "net" category. Yes, it's that simple.

apt-cyg is a great installer similar to apt-get to easily install any packages for Cygwin.

$ apt-cyg install curl

Note: apt-cyg should be first installed. You can do this from Windows command line:

cd c:\cygwin
cygwinsetup.exe -q -P wget,tar,qawk, bzip2,vim,lynx

Close Windows cmd, and open Cygwin Bash.

$ lynx -source > apt-cyg install apt-cyg /bin
$ chmod +x /bin/apt-cyg

I just encountered this.

1) Find the cygwin setup.exe file from and run it.
2) Click/enter preferences until you reach the "Select Packages" window. (See image)
3) Click (+) for Net
4) Click the entry for curl. (Make sure you select the checkbox for the Binary)
5) Install.
6) Open a cygwin window and type curl.exe (should be available now).

Cygwin package manager


